Becoming Healthy with Stacie

Becoming Healthy with Stacie is a 3-month program designed to take you from your current health status to a fully empowered and holistic path of freedom that will optimize your health and change your entire life.

Currently humans are riddled with pain, disease and discomfort.

As we age, it seems we are destined to struggle with any number of health complaints ranging from sleep issues to terminal illnesses.  Our life force is slowly being leeched away and we assume that suffering has to be the norm. We’ve forgotten HOW to be healthy.

We have forgotten the phrase “you are what you eat” and it escapes us how our very consumption is precisely what defines our quality of life.  It’s not only the food we consume. Our consumption includes being inundated with exposure to media and messaging each and every day.  However, remembering “food is thy medicine” is a powerful place to start.


Our world is set up to provide us with convenience, but that convenience comes at a cost to our health.  Fast foods and fast-pace have inflitrated our lives and are poisoning our minds and bodies.  We’ve somehow forgotten that the fastest food can be a simple piece of delicious fruit and best life can be quite simple and slow.

It’s that very simplicity that can bring us back to balance and nature, our own divine nature.  It really isn’t complicated, but because we have been fully indoctrinated into this fast-food lifestyle and we are now addicted to these unnatural chemicals and behaviors, it feels impossible to truly be healthy.

In our busy and over-stimulated lives we are becoming duller and numb.  We have disconnected from our own intuition losing sight of the very principles that are best suited for us.  We are relying on physicians, media, “experts,” and bought-and-paid-for-science to tell us what to do when in reality we know best.  WE are the experts!

Becoming Healthy with Stacie teaches you what you need to know to optimize your health and free yourself from your pain, disease, and discomfort!

This 3-month program is much more than dietary change.   It’s an expansion and transformation where you and I will quantum leap to a new experience.  The results from our time together may ordinarily take a lifetime if not many, many years, but all of that changes NOW.

There’s no reason to wait.  You can have improved energy, weight regulation, and efficient mind and body, feel and look better, feel empowered, be inspired and positive in your life.

You can also remember what makes you the expert of your healthcare and your life saving yourself tons of time and money.


Becoming Healthy with Stacie  elevates your vibration in such a way that it would be impossible NOT to see massive growth and change in your entire life.  You can fully align with your authentic self and experience a new level of joy that uplevels every aspect of your being.

YES, it sounds too good to be true because we’ve all been conditioned to believe that this struggle is what adulting is:  That anything worth having is hard, takes tons of effort and still may not be what we had hoped.  It sounds absurd to think that changing your diet and mindset can have this much power, but it CAN!

Why Becoming Healthy with me?

Becoming is a process.  It emphasizes the journey and the diversity that each of us have our own way.  It also indicates an ongoing measure, not something that will be completed in 90 days or even 90 years, but a platform which to stand and build upon.  

I’m no different than you.  I’ve experienced a life of mood issues, sports injuries, weight fluctuations, digestive complaints, and even heart trouble.  My story places me here and now in a position to help you on your  journey.

My gift in this world is being a master of taking the short-cut and making it work fabulously. 

I can help you to mastery without the further decades of struggle and chaos.  

Through a collaborative and creative coaching relationship I can remind you YOU are the expert and help you bend time, so that you too can find your way to YOUR meaningful and healthy life.  The life that feels good, looks good, and is replicable.  

I can lead you in Becoming Healthy.

I’m on a mission to create a new health paradigm where we feel empowered to be the best version of ourselves without poisonous pharmaceuticals, outrageous insurance plans, and enormous debt.

The new health paradigm is about being in alignment and thus a state of optimal energy flow that allows for unlimited potential, expedited manifestation of desires, and high vibrational levels of health and well-being.

Becoming Healthy with Stacie teaches you how to:

  • Listen to and communciate with your body.  
  • Learn each and every step to smoothly become the healthiest version of yourself.  
  • Understand what detoxification of the mind and body is and be supported as you experience this inevitable transformation.
  • Have an expanded view-point.
  • Change the narrative of your story in order to effect change.
  • Learn to manage and raise your frequencies for improved wellness.

You’ll have daily access to Stacie and weekly, scheduled sessions.

There is on-going support and integration throughout the 3 months, so you always know where you stand and where you are headed.

There are lots of bonuses, surprises, and fun along the way.  INCLUDING, discounts and access to an 8-day, all-inclusive retreat!

I happen to know you because you and I are the same.  Your own desire to take command of your life and well-being is why you are here!

I totally understand the challenge of remembering who you are and making the changes necessary to BE that person.

The challenge of drowning out the noise and distractions of our modern day world.

The challenge of tuning in to the all-knowing within.

Allow me to help you turn off the distractions and programming, tune into your inner wisdom and tap into the unlimited potential of who you are!

Becoming Healthy with Stacie isn’t me telling you what to do. This is me sharing my experience and propping up guidance, so you find your way.

YOU are always the expert!

I’ll shine the light; you make the choices.

You have a unique blueprint. I’m here to show it to you and then teach you how to align with it.

Please understand. This is highly specific information that is 100% applicable to real life – YOUR life.

This coaching program is for you if you:  

  • Know you have untapped potential, desire a stronger connection with your intuition, and are ultra-ready to feel and look better with ease.
  • Have spent all the money, spent all the time, read all the books, and definitely have done all the diets.
  • Are ready to raise your vibration, up level your life, and engage with all your dreams in a real way.

You are the expert!

My role is to help you align to that truth.

This is an incredibly advanced, soul-level curriculum that is designed specifically for YOU!

I’d be honored to walk with you on this path to BECOMING HEALTHY WITH STACIE.



We meet 3-4 times per month!  These sessions include master level lessons, discussions, intuitive, inspirational, and enlightened collaborative work.  Typically we meet for 15-60 minutes over Zoom or a designated platform.


In-between our sessions, you have continued support from me. This support comes in two primary forms. One is digital informational emails and communication.  It also may be an on-going conversation about a “side” topic. You can email anytime and expect a response from me within 24 hours, but typically much, much faster.  Most importantly we will be able to text and audio chat with the Signal app.  This is a private forum for us to have realtime communications in-between our live meetings.


The program is outlined week-by-week and month-to-month.  There is a plan to guide us knowing there is the flexibility of making the adjustments needed.  There is an extensive curriculum which we will briefly go over in our very first session.


I have created a 5-module curriculum that outlines what it means to become empowered in your healthcare, the barriers that can impede progress, and guidance to the most common questions and concerns.


I want you to know and feel my deepest appreciation.  One of the ways I express this gratitude is through little surprises throughout our time together.  You can expect to receive little packages along the way that will align with our process, raise your vibe, and allow you to feel a little extra support.  


Understanding your energy body is a true health gift indeed.   Your Chakra Blueprint (the modality I created in 2013) will tell us everything we need to know about your chakras. This 10-page report contains detailed information about your 7 major chakras, including whether or not they are balanced, where any imbalances are held (physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual bodies), what energetic quality of the unwanted pattern is present, what symptoms you are experiencing or are highly susceptible to, and what measures you need to take now to correct this imbalance.  This is one valuable tool we can use to assist us on the journey.


You will gain access to my 30-day program ChakraFit. You’ll love this information-packed daily program full of education, recommendations, and resources to supplement the work we are doing.


Join Stacie and a few like-minded souls in a beautiful destination TBD for an immersion experience like no other.  The retreat is a container for an amazing mind, body, soul experience that is full of healing, connection, and transformation.  You will have priority access and high-level discount to the retreat.  This is an all-inclusive lifetime dream where all you have to do is show up.  It’s all taken care of: Airfare, transfers, meals, excursions, master classes while in destination, all accommodations, fees, and tips.

Are you Ready to Become Healthy with Stacie?
